LASSY String Search (v1.0)

Please provide an input string or a regular expression (without slashes)

Case insensitive search [CI]
Case sensitive search [CS]
Word boundaries

Please select a treebank
TreebankContents# Sentences# Words
DPCDutch Parallel Corpus11,716193,029
WikipediaDutch Wikipedia pages7,34183,360
WR-P-EE-magazines, newsletters, teletext pages, web sites, Wikipedia14,420232,631
WR-P-PBooks, brochures, guides and manuals, legal texts, newspapers, periodicals and magazines, policy documents, proceedings, reports, surveys17,691281,424
WS-UAuto cues, news scripts, text for the visually impaired14,032184,611
LASSY SmallComplete treebank65,200 975,055